Executive, Stewards and descriptions of positions



Contact Information

Work Location


President Noelle Fletcher president@cupe1883.ca
300 Victoria St N February 2024 – February 2026
Vice President,
Job Evaluation
Kristen Eva jobevaluation@cupe1883.ca 99 Regina St S February 2024 – February 2026
Vice President,
Health and Safety
Rhonda Gould healthsafety@cupe1883.ca 20 Weber St E February 2023 – February 2025
Grievance Chair Paula Giles grievance@cupe1883.ca 99 Regina St S February 2023 – February 2025
Treasurer Kim Koch treasurer@cupe1883.ca 20 Weber St E February 2024 – February 2026
Secretary Stacey DeMars secretary@cupe1883.ca
20 Weber St E February 2023 – February 2025


Victoria Brander

Ray Hoover

Kristine Tumm



Danielle Kraftchick – 20 Weber
Janet Francis – 99 Regina

Jeremy Turner – 250 Strasburg

Kelly Locking – 99 Regina
Lisete Gaspar – 150 Main

Paula Ronson – 20 Weber
Ray Hoover – 20 Weber

Ryan Milanovic – 150 Frederick

Sean Stoughton – 10 Huron Road

Sheryl Mascoll – 99 Regina
Yvonne Kohlmetz – 20 Weber


Descriptions of positions within the union

The President will:

  • Enforce the CUPE Constitution, Local Union bylaws and the Equity Statement;
  • Interpret bylaws as required;
  • Preside or delegate to one of the Vice-Presidents the chairing of any membership meetings and maintain order;
  • Preside at all executive committee meetings;
  • Decide all points of order and procedures (decisions are subject to appeal of the membership);
  • Have a vote on all matters (except appeals against their rulings)/ In the event of a tie vote in any matter, including elections, have the right to cast an additional vote to break the tie;
  • Ensure that all officers perform their assigned duties;
  • Fill committee vacancies where elections are not provided for;
  • Act as the permanent signatory for the Local and sign all cheques except for those issued to them;
  • Ensure two authorized signatures on all expenditures;
  • Ensure Locals’ funds are used only as authorized or directed by the Constitution, by-laws, or vote of the membership;
  • Provide a report of hours worked, in summary, each week including sick time and vacation time to the Treasurer at monthly Executive meetings;
  • Have first preference as a delegate to the CUPE National Convention and CUPE Ontario Division Convention. (Article B3.1);
  • Have the right to call a vote or appoint a representative from the general membership to represent the Local to various outside committees. The representative will be responsible to the Executive Committee Committee;
  • Provide a report to members at General Membership Meetings on all matters for which they are responsible.

The First Vice President, Job Evaluation will:

  • Be the union Co-Chair of the Job Evaluation Committee;
  • If the President is absent or unable, perform all duties of the President;
  • If the office of President becomes vacant, perform the duties and act as President until a new President is elected;
  • Will follow the Terms of Reference and the Collective Agreement process(es)for job evaluation
  • Chair and attend at least three Job evaluation meetings in a calendar year
  • Maintain a file of all job postings, and identify discrepancies from known job duties
  • Maintain a file of all classification changes and positions which are created or eliminated.
  • Report to members at regular membership meetings on all related matters

The Second Vice President, Health and Safety will:

  • Appoint all union representatives to Joint Health and Safety Committees, including appointing Union Co-Chairs;
  • Coordinate the activities of union Health & Safety representatives, ensuring that they adhere to the Occupational Health and Safety Act;
  • If the President and the 1st Vice President is absent or unable, perform all duties of the President;
  • If the office of President and the 1st vice President should fall vacant, perform the duties and act as President until a new President is elected;
  • Act as the fourth permanent signatory for the Local;
  • Be responsible for all matters pertaining to WSIB, Long Term Disability, and accommodations/Return-to-Works affecting members, including appointing union representatives for such matters;
  • Report to members at regular membership meetings on all related matters;
  • Chair and attend at least three Health and Safety Meetings in a calendar year.

The Treasurer Will:

  • Receive all revenue, initiation fees, dues and assessments, keeping a record of each member’s payments and deposit promptly all money with a bank or credit union;
  • Prepare all CUPE National/CUPE Ontario per capita tax forms and remit payment;
  • Record all financial transactions in a manner acceptable to the Committee and in accordance with good accounting practices;
  • Make a financial report to the Executive Committee and the Local at each General Membership Meeting;
  • Maintain an accurate record of President and Executive leave for the trustees to review;
  • Be bonded through the master bond held by the National Office. Any treasurer who cannot qualify for the bond shall be disqualified from office;
  • Pay no money unless supported by an expense form duly signed by the President or one other member of the Executive Committee as determined by the Executive
  • Committee. No expense form shall be required for payment of per capita fees to any organizations to which the Local is affiliated;
  • Shall be the second permanent signatory of the Local and sign all cheques except for
  • those issued to them. If the Treasurer is absent or unable the cheque may be signed by the President and 3rd or 4th permanent signatory of the Local;
  • Make all books available for inspection by the auditors and/or trustees upon reasonable notice, and have books audited semi-annually;
  • Provide the trustees with any information they may need to complete the audit report forms supplied by CUPE;
  • Be empowered with the approval of the President, to employ necessary auditing assistance to be paid for out of the Local’s funds. (Articles B3.4 – B3.9);
  • Be empowered, with the approval of the President, to employ necessary clerical assistance to be paid out of the Local’s funds;
  • Keep a detailed list of tangible fixed assets held by the Local. (Furniture, equipment, buildings etc.)

The Grievance Chair will:

  • update and report on all grievances to the Executive Board and provide an overview to the members at the monthly general membership meetings;
  • keep accurate records of grievances and resolutions;
  • handle or designate handling of all grievances and arbitrations;
  • Consult with the National Rep and the Executives regarding the handling of all grievances not settled at the second stage.
  • Recruit, mentor and supervise stewards. Arrange and participate in educating stewards about the collective agreements, how they work, and  should be enforced.
  • Chair and attend at least three (3) steward committee meetings in a year.

Recording Secretary (Administrative  Officer)

  • Keep full, up-to-date and accurate account of the proceedings of all regular and special membership and Board meetings;
  • Record all alterations in the bylaws;
  • Answer correspondence, answer/triage member inquires, manage booking of union hall, request union leave time through labour relations, manage communications including but not limited to website and social media, registrations to conferences/conventions/education, maintain membership list, maintain list serve, manage and maintain logins and fulfill other administrative duties as directed by the Committee;
  • File a copy of all letters sent out and keep on file all communications;
  • Prepare and distribute electronically all circulars and notices to members;
  • Have all records ready upon reasonable notice for auditors and trustees;
  • Introduce new members at regular membership meetings;
  • Preside over membership meetings in the absence of both the President and the Vice-Presidents;
  • Act as the 3rd permanent signatory except for those cheques issued to them.
  • Be empowered with the approval of the President to employ necessary clerical/information technology or other assistance to be paid for out of the Local’s funds (Article B3.3);
  • Prepare a report of all communications received by the Local including appeals, conferences, conventions, education, etc. at each General Membership Meeting;
  • Performs other duties required by the Local Union, its bylaws or the National Constitution.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator will:

  • Be a self-identified member of one of the following equity-seeking groups: Aboriginal/Indigenous People, 2SLGBTQI+, Persons living with Disabilities, Racialized Workers, Women .They shall make efforts to;
  • Engage equity-seeking members with the union and advise the Executive Board and membership of current trends or topics concerning equity;
  • Develop and implement initiatives/activities aimed at advancing equity in the workplace;
  • Provide a range of diversity information and resources
  • Provide guidance through an equity lens to the Executive and Membership.
  • Chair at least two (2) equity committee meetings in a year.

The Membership Engagement Officers will:

  • Ensure all members feel included;
  • Coordinate educational opportunities for members;
  • Chair the education committee making recommendations to the committee regarding opportunities and requests;
  • Coordinate the annual Labour Day Activities and organize a minimum of three yearly events to engage and mobilize members;
  • Open up channels of communication to engage members to strengthen our union and ensure members feel connected;
  • Engage Young Workers (30 & under).

The Sergeant-at-Arms (Membership Officer) will:

  • Admit to membership meetings only members in good standing or officers and officials of CUPE, except on the order of the President and by consent of the members present;
  • Assist in maintaining the record of membership attendance of meetings;
  • Hold the position of Election Chairperson, run elections during their term of office. Volunteers will be recruited to assist in any in person elections;
  • Ensure the maintenance of order at meetings;
  • Attend all General Membership Meetings;
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Committee from time to time.

The Trustees will

  • act as an auditing committee on behalf of the members and audit the books and accounts of the Treasurer, the Recording Secretary and the Standing Committees semi-annually;
  • report their findings to the first membership meeting following the completion of each audit;
  • be responsible to ensure that monies are not paid out without proper constitutional or membership authorization;
  • ensure that proper financial reports are made to the membership;
  • inspect at least twice a year, any stocks, bonds, securities, office furniture and equipment, and titles or deeds to property that may at any time be owned by the Local, and report their findings to the membership;
  • use audit forms supplied by the National Office and send a copy of each half-yearly audit to the National Secretary-Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of the CUPE Constitution; (Articles B3.10 to B3.12);
  • audit the record of attendance.
  • The term of office of Trustees shall be three (3) years, and shall be elected on the basis of: (a) One Trustee for a term of three (3) years; (b) One Trustee for a term of two (2) years; and (c) One Trustee for a term of one (1) year;
  • After, at each succeeding Annual General Meeting, there will be elected one Trustee to fill the place of the Trustee whose term of office expires. This Trustee will hold office for three (3) years from such election and will hold office of Trustee until a successor has been elected in accordance with the provisions of this section.


  • be the front line contact between members and the union;
  • respond to member inquiries, concerns, and complaints in a timely and confidential manner; represent members in their dealings with the employer; -advise members on their right and ability to grieve, file grievances and follow-up while ensuring timelines are met;
  • be encouraged to attend at least 75% of all Steward Committee and regular membership meetings;
  • share all notes and documentation associated with grievances with the Grievance Chair for the purposes of maintaining accurate union files.