
Some of these committee duties do take place during work hours. However, meetings, activities and training will not always take place during the work day.  These are volunteer positions and from time to time, may require evening and/or weekend involvement. Please see below for a list of the Committees and their purpose.
If you are interested in joining any of the committees, please email (unless otherwise stated) with the Committee name in the subject line.

Bylaw Committee

The Bylaw Committee completes a yearly review of CUPE 1883 Bylaws: documented guidelines to protect the rights of members and ensure responsible administration of the Local including proper practices of standards and procedures.  The yearly review of the Bylaws shall include facilitating open communication with the membership to request feedback and/or recommended changes, reviewing the CUPE Constitution and any recommended updates to CUPE bylaws from CUPE National.

  • Executive Member
    • Noelle Fletcher
  • Rank and File Members
    • LeeAnn Paiva

Return to Work Committee

The Return-to-Work Committee assists all members requiring help related to Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) claims, accommodations, modified duties and return to work (RTW) plans.  The committee member works in collaboration with the Disability Management Advisor to return members to the workplace as soon as medically possible.  You will document the employer’s commitment to the return-to-work process, what steps need to be taken. An. A personalized RTW plan meets the specific needs of the injured worker. It considers the worker’s functional limitations, rehabilitation and treatment, skills and abilities, and available suitable work. In consultation with the Health and Safety Executive member, you will coordinate with the National Representative any WSIB claims from the local approved for advocacy.
Training is required for this position, and will be provided.

  • Executive Member
    • Rhonda Gould
  • Rank and File Members
    • Vacant

Communications Committee

The purpose of the Communications Committee is to provide members with timely, accurate information in regards to member information, meetings, employer updates, etc.
Committee members are responsible for checking the communications email and responding within a 48-hour (workday) timeframe. Committee members will attempt to prompt stories from CUPE members who are celebrating certain milestones to share with the membership. These milestones can include things like new baby, marriage/engagements, retirement, number of years with the Employer, etc.
Communication Committee members are also to review feedback from the membership to help prepare the quarterly newsletter (January, April, July, October) and provide consistent information via the newsletter (next general meeting dates/times, how to contact the union, etc.)
Meet on a monthly basis to review content for newsletter and brainstorm ideas.

  • Executive Members
    • Stacey DeMars
  • Members
    • Vacant

Job Evaluation Committee

The Job Evaluation/Maintenance Committee members ensure that our
members are being treated and compensated fairly for the work they do. This committee meets as needed and primarily during work hours. There may be times that you are asked to meet outside work hours. Internal training provided.
There are 12 factors: education, experience, responsibility for program, responsibility for people, safety of others, contacts, nature & impact of error, mental effort, physical activity, dexterity and disagreeable conditions. Each factor is divided into different degree levels. Those levels are then applied to a grid and weighted. These factors are not static, they change over time due to technical innovations, duties added or removed, or external conditions. The purpose of JE is to assess, consistently, and without bias the value of individual jobs in relation to other jobs within the bargaining unit. It is an art not science. After the committee rate’s the job, the rating is final, there is no appeal process in the plan. If the raters disagree the job is referred to the Commissioner of Human Resources and a CUPE National representative. If an agreement is not reached it is sent to an arbitrator. Please take the time to look at the job evaluation plan on the portal or ask an Executive member for a copy. If you are interested in becoming part of the Job Evaluation Committee, please email or

  • Executive Member
    • Kristen Eva
  • Rank and File Members
    • Janet Francis
    • Karen Gallant
    • Collette Whelan
    • Jennifer Cyr
    • Martin Roberts

Negotiation Committee

This special ad hoc committee consists of six Executive members and a Member-at-Large. The Member-at- Large is elected at least three months prior to the expiry of the collective agreement and is automatically disbanded when a new collective agreement has been signed. The function of the Committee is to; consult with the membership regarding problem areas and potential new proposals, prepare collective bargaining proposals and to negotiate a collective agreement. Members of the committee will consult with the National Representative at all stages from formulating proposals, through negotiations, to contract ratification by membership.

Mobilization/Strike Committee

The mobilization committee looks at effective ways to engage members before bargaining begins and throughout the bargaining process. is responsible for organizing members, mobilizing in support of bargaining, and supporting the bargaining team. The committee builds poser by mobilizing members to build solidarity and support the Negotiation committee.

The Mobilization/Strike Committee is responsible for communicating negotiation updates to the membership and coordinating strike action.

Education Committee

The purpose of the Education Committee is to ensure that there is a fair and equitable process for responding to the educational needs of the local and its members.
The Education Committee is focused on having educated and knowledgeable members and thus is committed to ensuring that the local will offer education to its’ members in the most logical and economical way possible.
The Executive that heads the Education Committee will be responsible for booking/registering members for education and/or training opportunities as per the CUPE National By-Laws, and as approved by the rest of the education committee.

  • Executive Member
    • Stacey DeMars
  • Rank and File Members
    • Ray Hoover
    • Janet Francis
    • Shaily Vaishnav
    • Paula Ronson

Trustee Committee

The trustees act as an auditing committee, on behalf of the members, and audit the books and accounts of the Treasurer, the Recording Secretary. The trustees report their findings at the first membership meeting following the completion of each audit. They are responsible to ensure that monies are not paid out without proper authorization; ensure that proper financial reports are made to the membership; inspect at least twice a year, any investments, office furniture and equipment, and titles or deeds to property that may at any time be owned by the Local, and report their findings to the membership. The trustees will use audit forms supplied by the National Office and send a copy of each audit to the National Secretary-Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of the CUPE Constitution; (Articles B3.10 to B3.12).

  • Executive Member
    • Kim Koch
  • Members
    • Kristine Tumm
    • Ray Hoover
    • Victoria Brander

Social Committee

The Social Committee is responsible for organizing all social, cultural, and recreational activities of the Local Union, either on the committee’s own initiative or as a result of decisions taken at membership meetings. The social committee goal is to encourage member engagement, creating a sense of togetherness and solidarity.

  • Executive Member
    • Kim Koch

Joint Health and Safety Committee

The Joint Health and Safety Committee work to educate members on the importance of workplace health and safety and promote safe work procedures and environments. The duties are to identify any workplace hazards and advocate as required on behalf of a member to resolve all problems within the scope of Local 1883. As a Joint Health and Safety Committee member you will work closely with the others on the committee, attend meetings (monthly or quarterly as determined by each committee) and complete work place inspections monthly. If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to
Rhonda at

  • Executive Member
    • Rhonda Gould
  • Building/Representative
    • 99 Regina
      • Karl Fuss
      • Valerie Paulley
      • Lisa Pierce
    • 150 Frederick
      • Laura Burke
      • Andrew Sooknandan
      • Bernadette Ellert
    • 100 Maple Grove
      • Lindsay Norwood
      • Guiyou Li
      • Jen Barkshire-Paterson
    • 150 Main
      • Katherine Moore-King
      • Carey O’Hanlon
    • 20 Weber
      • Yvonne Kohlmetz
      • Ray Hoover
      • Rhonda Gould
    • Erb St. Landfill
      • Kayley Kaufman
      • Laird Ellis
    • POA
      • Melissa Chariot
    • Airport
      • Currie Russell
      • Owen Burtch
      • Wanda Elkerton
    • Mannheim
      • Alicia Frame
    • Transit (Crowne Plaza)
      • Tramaine Lewis
    • 250 Strasburg
      • Jeremy Turner
    • Museum
      • Roberta Sealy
    • Joseph Schneider Haus
      • Katie Anderson
    • Libraries
      • Maria Marioncu